Thursday 5 June 2014


Importance of interpretation to the visitor experience

Everyone has a different way to interpret culture and heritage. One influence to this would be media. The way media demonstrates culture and heritage could be different to what and how it actually it is. It is important to capture the true essence of the heritage and culture of a place/destination because other may get the wrong idea or sense of how it should really be.
For example in Egypt with the civil war going on, the media has made seem the Egyptian culture to be violent, because that is how they are shown in the media, this makes visitors interpret the Egyptian culture and  discourages tourists to visit Egypt.
This is a bad point because the consequences of this to Egypt is that their tourist numbers will decrease and people/visitors around the world will interpret the Egyptians wrong and judge them wrongly.

Visitors should go and experience the culture and heritage from themselves, also it is important that local Egyptian tourist board is in charge that they should have locals giving information of the place of culture and heritage they should have a strong background knowledge of the ‘real’ sense if the culture and heritage of the destination.
By Kamila and Liz 

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